When it comes to keeping your feet warm, there's nothing quite like a good pair of comfy, warm house slippers. Whether you're lounging around the house watching Netflix, smashing your latest season on FIFA or simply staying in a T-shirt and pants all day (we've all been there), a pair of slippers are the ultimate home comfort.
There are many different types of slippers out there, from the usual, run of the mill traditional 'old man' type slippers to furry, plush slippers to slippers that are designed to look like trainers.
Whether you're buying for yourself or as a gift, CrepStars got you covered. By the end of this post, you'll be a slipper expert!
Essential Things To Look For In A Slipper
Before you start looking for your very first, second or even third pair of slippers, there are some key things you need to consider.
How often will I be wearing these?
● What style do I want?
● Which materials are they made from?
● Will I need to wear them outside?
● Do I want slip-on or flat back slippers?
If you're buying slippers as gifts, this point might not apply, but let's think about it. If you're thinking, 'I'll just buy a pair for now and get another later,' you might want to consider whether they'll fit in with your lifestyle.
If you wear them every day, then it might make sense to get a high quality, durable, long-lasting pair, or if they're going to be an occasional treat, then maybe it's not worth the extra money.
Men's Slippers vs Women's Slippers
The main difference between men's and women slippers is the style. Men's slippers are usually more traditional with 'old man style'. Women's slippers are generally more plush and feminine with various styles.
Types of Slipper & Choosing Your Style
So what style of slipper are you looking for? This will depend on your personal preference and the rest of your loungewear wardrobe. If you already have a favourite pair of house shoes, this will likely dictate which type of slippers you buy.
For example, if you like the traditional style, flat-backed slippers, then you'll likely buy another pair. However, if you want a more 'jazzy' look to your footwear, maybe pick up a plush pair. For a stylish take, you could buy a pair of trainer slippers.
Traditional Slippers
The traditional slipper we think of when it comes to men's slippers usually have a soft lining, rubber soles and look slightly like soft indoor shoes. While not particularly inspiring in design, they do an excellent job of keeping your feet warm, and some pairs can be used as outdoor slippers. Although, maybe for taking the bins out, not for nipping to the shop.
Traditional slippers are made from wool or cotton, and we recommend finding a pair that is subtly patterned with a good amount of cushioning in the sole - if they're you're kind of thing.

Trainer Slippers
Trainer style slippers like CrepStars have a very soft sole, are perfect for keeping your feet warm and comfy around the house and can be worn outdoors. If you're style-conscious, trainer slippers offer the best of both worlds.
Our unique brand of trainer slipper offers a modern take on the traditional slipper. The soft upper material lets your feet breathe in summer and keeps in extra warmth in the winter. If you're looking for a pair of comfy slippers to match your at-home style, we recommend ordering a pair in your size! They can be worn with a closed heel and as slip-on slippers.
Closed Heel Slippers
Closed heel slippers provide added support for the back of your foot. Unlike a slip-on, your toes are no longer required to grip onto the slipper as you walk, which can lead to a long list of problems with your feet, such as bunions and hammertoes. Closed heel slippers can certainly offer your feet the overall support they need.
Typically, closed heel slippers are made of sturdy wool felt. Our Lambo Indoor Trainer Slippers are a great example as they can be worn closed heel and are perfect for giving your feet the support they deserve.

Open Heel Slippers
Open heel slippers are often praised for their convenience. They are easy to slip on and off as they have no heel support. There is no need to bend down to put the slippers on, as you can just slip them onto your feet with ease. Although they are convenient, they can be more slip prone than a closed heel slipper as you are losing the support at the back of your foot.
If you are looking for more support, these may not be the ideal slipper type for you. However, if you are looking for easy and reliable slippers, these could be perfect. The beauty of our trainer slippers is they can be worn both closed and open heel. It’s a total win-win.
Sandal Slippers
Sandal slippers combine the simplicity of a sandal with the comfort of a traditional slipper. They are a type of open shoe - made up of straps and bands that secure the foot to the sole of the slipper. Typically, they are made out of materials like rubber and leather but can also be made out of more fleecy materials.
Sandal slippers can be slipped on and off relatively easily. It is important to note that they may not provide as much support and warmth as other types of slippers out there. However, if you want slippers that are quick to take on and off, these are perfect.
Slipper Boots
Slipper boots certainly provide a lot of comfort. They take the shape of a regular boot but are usually made with softer materials like memory foam, wool and nylon. They cover your foot and ankle, so they are ideal if you are looking for some warmer slippers during the colder months.
You can purchase slipper boots that have a durable sole. However, some provide little support, so you will need to establish what you need your slippers to offer. For example, you may have a medical condition that requires your footwear to provide more support.
Clog Slippers
Clog slippers provide a significant level of coverage for your foot. They have a closed front to protect your toes and an open heel so you can easily slip them on and off. Clog slippers often have a sturdy sole, providing you with additional support.
Clog slippers are suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. That being said, it is recommended that you choose ones with a thick sole if you are planning on regularly wearing them outside of the house. This will give you more protection if the ground is wet or you walk over rough terrain.
Slipper Socks
Slipper socks are the perfect in-between of socks and slippers. They protect your feet from the cold and are ideal if you have hard floors throughout their home and they are easy to walk on. It is important to note that they are less durable than a trainer slipper or indoor shoe.
For maximum comfort, it is recommended that you choose slipper socks that are fleece lined. This will provide your feet with warmth during the colder months. To minimise your risk of slipping, slipper socks with grips on the soles of the feet are an added bonus.

House Shoes
A house shoe is crafted solely for indoor use. They are low shoes, much like a clog; you can easily slip them on. They are ideal if you hate walking around your home barefoot. Not only do they provide warmth, but they also provide comfort and protection from the ground.
House shoes tend to have a soft, fleecy lining making them comfortable and convenient. They are a great all-rounder and are often available in a range of different materials and styles to suit your taste. Take note that house shoes are not designed for outdoor use. If this is something you require from your slippers, you may have to consider a different type.
Novelty Slippers
It can be hard to resist the humorous nature of a novelty slipper. Rather than being praised for their practicality, they are more visually appealing as the designs are often based on well-known characters. They can certainly make great gifts but it's safe to say they are not the most stylish slippers out there.
However, if you need a shoe that provides support and protection, these may not be the slippers for you. Sure, they may give you a laugh, but the list of benefits are a lot smaller than a trainer slipper. They will certainly provide your feet with warmth but avoid going outside in them as they often don’t have a durable sole.
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